The cooking, reported on many guides, is based on traditional recipes and authentic flavors of the Lombard territory reinterpreted with a pinch of innovation and creativity and is characterized by the use of whole wheat flour, by homemade bread and handmade pasta dishes. The foods offered are mainly made with organic products of the fam production and are matched with the fine wines and champagne (white, red and rosé) from organic farming produced in their own cellars. Some typical pasta dishes are: The Stâng â l’üs (whole wheat flour dough sticks of three different colors because they contain nettles, carrots and beets with tomato sauce and vegetables) and Caserecce (homemade white flour pasta ) with a sauce of smoked goose breast, cream and salad. Among the second courses cannot but be mentioned the slugs, or savory pie stuffed with radicchio and potatoes and between the meats the excellent roast beef and the grilled meats: Tagliata, Rib Steak and Fiorentina (This last one upon reservation only). The typical dessert is the Büselâ, traditional whole wheat flour home-made cake with fruits inside of the pastry, served hot with a spoonful of custard flavored with Tordimonte (dessert wine, home production) next to it But the menu has no shortage of desserts proposals ready to entice…